Outside roster duties

Before play (by 11am on Saturdays & 9am Tuesdays)
  • Update rink board in clubhouse window
  • Raise Australian and club flags on the green where pennant is being played
  • Place mats and jacks on each allocated rink
  • Place rink and main scoreboards at the southern end of the green
  • Place umpires tools on closest bench to the cupboard they are removed from
After play
  • Lower Australian and club flags, fold and return to cupboard
  • Return mats and jacks to cupboard
  • Return scoreboards to storage
  • Return umpires tools to cupboard
Inside duty

Before play (by 11am on Saturdays & 9am Tuesdays)

  • Open all roller blinds
  • Remove 2 urns from cupboard, place on servery bench, fill with water and set to boil.  Turn down to 3 once boiled
  • Place rink numbers on each table
  • Ensure there is enough coffee, tea and sugar on serving table
  • Turn dishwasher on per instructions on machine

At start of afternoon break

  • Place milk from fridge on servery bench
  • Place afternoon tea on each numbered table

At end of afternoon break

  • Turn off urns
  • Clear tables where possible
  • Rinse crockery and cutlery
  • Undertake an initial machine wash
After play
  • Complete washes of crockery and cutlery and put away any crockery and cutlery that was washed and air dried during the afternoon break
  • Turn off dishwasher per instructions on machine
  • Remove rink numbers from tables
  • Clear and wipe down table and chairs
  • Drain urns and return to cupboard